Modding my Wii
i recommend using this site
Over a week ago i finally took the time to mod my wii. i had already attempted this project in the past so the homebrew channel was already installed. all i had to do was backup my NAND and keys, install USBLoaderGX, and simply put games on a flash drive and play.For some reason, no where in the guide will they tell you that usb flash drives will get corrupted if you try to play games off them. it took me approximately 3 hours to find out that the wii doesnt cooperate well usb flash drives and will corrupt the drive each time you try to play games off it. i then realized i have a spare sata ssd and a usb adapter that i could use and that worked out fine. I then used Wii Backup Manager to format and transfer all the games i have to the drive, plugged it in and it worked out fine.
I then got a hdmi to usb capture card and it works flawlessly.
mod all of your consoles
the inconsistent ramblings of a vr junkie
For those of us that are PCVR enthusiasts, it has to be the worst time to be alive. Imagine being interested in possibly the nichest tech industry of the 21st centery and companies don't care about what you want! What's happening to vr is a prime example of enshittification. companies make a good product, they get alot of praise and backing, then when they make tons of money they turn their back on their core users and start milking everyone for as much money as possible and will do anything to keep making a profit even if it turns away enthusiasts and degrades their reputation long term. With the announcement of the Vive Focus Vision from HTC, to me and alot of others it's looking like vr is stagnating and will subsequently die in a few years. another standalonehmd saying its for pcvr but that couldn't be further from reality. ever since the index released all pcvr enthusiasts wanted was Index but better and time and time again we get buzzword hmd,standalone this, make an account that, never anything that was as seemless as the index. just fucking imagine being a pcvr enthusiast, telling these companies what you and hundreds of other people want out of a hmd and you keep getting "A hybrid standalone PCVR headset with fullbody tracker support, base station-free. Enter VIVE Focus Vision - our most immersive spacial computing experience yet." another standalone hmd that aims to ride the apple vision pro trend of using the terms "immersive spacial computing" to make being in vr sound cooler or more of a corporate thing and thats it, these companies, especially facebook, want vr to be a corporate controlled dystopia where they want you live out your entire life in their HMDs with no freedom and to follow their strict arbitrary rules. HTC had their hands held creating the original vive with Valve and they're still deciding to not take note of what pcvr users want most, but instead what they want us to want instead. Theyre taking notes from facebook because thats what been working for them in the short term to get sales, but its been shown that most people with a quest hmd dont have long retention times, most quest hmds are sitting in closets collecting dust because the average person doesnt want to spend alot of time in vr. vr is not for the average person and all of these companies are forcing the normalization of vr, so they can keep gauging core features and making the experience worse and suppliment it with smaller experimental features instead of ironing out core ones and making a good hmd, a good product. all of these standalone hmds will one day stop working and lose support due to the fact each on of these hmds are another online service youre at the mercy of to not go offline or said company cutting support themselves. Don't get me wrong, some of these hmds have good hardware but thats where it ends. I acquired a Pico 4 Pro, why? fuck facebook, fuck zucc, fuck meta. if im choosing any standalone hmd my only real option is Pico. you dont need an account to use the hmd, you dont need wifi or internet access to use it, it also has eye&face tracking(which started malfunctioning later on). I wouldn't recommend it to anyone if they just want eye&face tracking for the only game that supports both, in that case their only option is the quest pro and i would advise people to wait instead. i would on the other hand recommend the pico 4 non pro instead of a quest 3 especially if youre mostly doing pcvr gaming. better seemless steamvr integration, less hassle with their streaming software, and the fact once again you dont need an account or give the hmd internet access to use with your pc. The lenses are good, output audio is passable, microphone could use some work, very lightweight which is good for long sessions,but overheats after a couple hours. the hardware is decent but my main gripe is the fact it's a standalone and doesnt use displayport, but instead usb-c, usb-c while still having to use their streaming software(bloat). I don't think we'll ever have Index 2 or Index but better, beyond could have been a more decent sidegrade but the lack of good output audio and such a small sweet spot in the lenses make it a hard sell. Pimax isnt even an option being their target audience are simmers and this their hmds reflect that. high fov, huge sweetspot, great lenses, and HEAVY AS FUCK, why? well if youre simming youre sitting down the entire time. i had someone ask me why dont i get a pimax and well, they dont make good general use pcvr HMDs, in fact Pimax HMDs are terrible for vr enthusiasts, but for simmers pimax is perfect. Now we're back at square one, there isn't a hmd out currently or planned, to be the next perfect all around hmd like the index. we're stuck with piles of compromises that these companies swear to us we'll love and use all the time and how its what we wanted. It's all lies. if you have an index, keep holding on to it, keep using it, dont buy into any of these lies. if you have a quest 2 or 3 sell it and get a pico 4, base stations, and trackers to have a real hybrid pcvr setup not this bullshit HTC are trying to sell you - "A hybrid standalone PCVR with fullbody tracker support, base station-free", bullshit. DONT LET THEM KILL BASESTATION TRACKING WITH INFERIOR TECHNOLOGY. if you have neither, consider going for a pico 4 hybrid setup. but above anything else, keep holding, repair your hmd and controllers if you can, keep true pcvr alive as long as you live. we're living in one of the worst realities with no escape
3 months later and nothing has really changed. got some new pc parts.
bing chillen
been really obsessed with vr for the past year
planning on upgrading from the valve index to either the bigscreen beyond or pico 4 pro. probably hardest decision of my life
because although the beyond is the smallest vr hmd ever and would make vr extremely comfortable but its lacking features after
that while the pico 4 pro has face tracking and is wireless. i dont care about wireless vr and i dont think it's there yet
i do feel like i should experience it at least.
Update post soon.
I still haven't done much with my life. Still no solid job or source of income, but im working on that. Other than that, i've gotten deeper into cyberpunk and it makes me pretty happy to feel apart of something again, something that's actually means something. This interest is the only thing that's keeping me sane i think. Learning more and reading alot and watching alot of stuff really helps fill the empty time, but also not only does it help me stay busy it also makes me more aware and reminds me of the kind of world i live in.
When i do end up landing another shitty job i plan on using the money i earn to pursue my hobbies and interests. i think thats the only way for me anymore.
im not completely against schooling, im just against taking classes that wont benefit what you want to do with your life. i do want to take a couple courses but i dont plan on getting a degree. i do however plan on getting a CERT, whether its CompTIA Linux+, Network+, Security+, Pentesting+, or other alike that may be easier, it doesnt matter. all of those interest me and i see more value in having one or multiple of those certs than having a degree. Theres a handful of reasons youd want a cert over a IT degree or something but i rather not speak on that unless someone asks me.
With the way my life panned out, i feel like thats my calling, my only way to have significance, to mean something, to make a name for myself. ive never liked normal schooling and id do anything to avoid it and do something thats personally more benefital for me and that makes me happy. i dont care if my family wants me to go to uni or something. its not the 90s and early 2010s anymore wheres thats your only options to do what youre passionate about. I wholeheartedly believe it's time to start rejecting the old schooling systems and find other alterantives that inherently have better value.
i have a small project i want to continue working on but it involves me recording and im going to be home alone soon so i cant wait to get working on that, finally i have something to actually do that i can enjoy.
my life has currently been like: >open discord >close discord >open 4chan >close 4chan >open youtube >close youtube >open porn >close porn >open vidya >close vidya >try to sleep >fail >go back to pc and repeat everything very quickly >pass out >repeat
some shit ive been listening to lately
i woke up today and thought i still had multiple groups of people i enjoy talking to but then i looked at my phone and reality started to set in.
in that single moment i felt the most overwhelming sense of lonliness i've ever felt in my entire life. that feeling almost sent me into a blind rage that would've put myself into danger. i wonder what my life is going to be like in 2 years, but i hope im not here to see it.
im in the process of joining the Fediverse. I think the different communities and instances u can be apart of is amazing and actually gives you a sense of community in this age of hivemind conformitty and the hyper extreme politcal agenda many platforms are flooded with, no one knows how to have fun online anymore. The fact some encourage freespeech is everything ive been wanting for in a media platform. I made a Poast earlier this year but i kinda of stopped using it and went back to twitter(when i still had an account), but now i think i want to get deeper in the Fedierse and find an instance i belong in. the Poast instance isn't gonna be my main it was just the first one i found and im most likely going to delete it.
why is it so hard to stay focused and motivated when i know that at the end of the day nothing i do really matters. just trying to make little updates on here every once in a while feels more and more pointless. whenever someone asks me why do i have a website why dont you just use social media? that right there is the reason why. i haven't been able to really sit down and do the things i genuinely enjoy for a while and i feel really overwhelmed when i do fuck all everyday. sitting down, zoning out, and consuming meaningless media looks like my everyday for the next couple months again.
a fren recommended i get a mesh coffee filter and it makes my coffee taste 100 times better, i dont regret getting it honestly.
i finished watching Mr. Robot and he's just like me lol